Not to labour the point too much, but I'd just like to repeat that all information provided here is intended as a guide only. Please do not substitute information gathered from this or any other website for a trip to your doctor. 

Having got that out of the way... Herbal medicine is something I've been interested in for a long time, and I've decided to share some of my knowledge here. Some of what is contained here is adapted from books I own on the subject, some is my own notes. This section will continue to grow, I have a whole stack of new material to put up, as soon as I get around to transcribing it! I'm also in the middle of overhauling the herb index, so at present only A - D is online. My apologies for the bitsa nature of this, but I don't have as much time as I'd like to work on this!

While putting this section together, I've noticed that my back up files of a few of these pages were also amonst the data I lost in my computer crash, and the version on the web is either very old or not there! So i will endeavour to get all this back up as soon as I can!