This is a new part of Skylah's Lair. I figured it was my turn to give back to the web community. So, two awards are available at present. Basically, the idea is if you think your site, or any other site on the web, is worthy, send me an email, and I'll go have a look, and if I agree then the site will receive the Level One Award. The only way to get the Level Two Award is if I come by your site and award it to you. Both will be personalised with your name. To be eligible for my awards your site must not contain pornography, promote hate of any kind or any other nasty. So if your site or any other site you know of meets these criteria, drop me a line at to apply. Please make sure you put "award" in the subject line of your email so my spam filters won't bounce you!

Skylah's Best of the Web Level One Award

Skylah's Best of the Web Level Two Award