I've held out on a page about myself for so long, but I've decided to bow to the pressure!!! I have no real idea what to say about myself, but here we go...

My name is Skylah Breeze (incidentally, not my real name, but my Craft Name, and the one I go by on the net also), I'm 24 years old and live in Melbourne, Australia. I'm an eclectic solitary witch, drawing on many traditions to create one that suits myself. I'd almost say I'm Wiccan, but I have problems with some parts of Wicca's teachings. Hence eclectic. Solitary because I've never really felt the need to practice my faith with others... I have other Pagan friends, but we all practice solitary, since no two of us practice in even remotely the same way.

Seven months ago I developed a condition called Reflex Sympathetc Dystrophy, a condition in which the nerves misfire and send incorrect messages to the brain. So I feel pain where I shouldn't, and often completely lose feeling in my limbs. The condition is centred in my left leg, which means I can't walk without crutches. I've had to totally rethink my entire sense of self since I got sick, I used to work as a children's entertainer, mainly puppetry, something that is now impossible. I've had to take a job in an office, something I think is slowly destroying my soul.

For more insight into me, have a look at my web journal, Some of My Best Work: The Life, Times and Loves of a Girl From The Rainy City. This journal does contain language unsuitable for children.

I belong to several groups of amazing people on the net, my member plaques are below...






And here are my member badges for some great groups of people I've had to leave since getting a job. I'd like to keep them up here since I'm proud to have been a part of them.